Linda Poole
Founder, Artistic Creative Director
[email protected]

Linda Poole is the Founder and Artistic Creative Director of the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival. Seventeen years ago she brought a new idea from Japan to our city and has grown it to be the beloved intra-community arts and culture celebration that it is today. She is a passionate community-builder and combined with her love of sharing the beauty of the cherry blossom with everyone is unfailing. The Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival is and will remain a labor of love for her always.

Her career has largely been in Vancouver’s arts community with the Arts Club Theatre and young people’s theatre with Carousel Theatre as well as the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. Linda also represented Canada in Chicago and the Mid-West as Canada’s Cultural Attaché producing a wide range of large-scale cultural initiatives to showcase Canada’s top artists and arts organizations. She studied theater at UBC and Arts Management at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity. The cherry blossom brings so much joy to everyone that Linda believes “the world needs more cherry blossoms”! Her favorite saying from Issa’s haiku is well known ~ “there is no stranger under the cherry tree”


Michael Dove
Executive Director
[email protected]

Michael is an arts and culture producer and is thrilled to be joining the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival. 

After several years of producing in the US, Michael recently relocated to Vancouver. His artistic focus is on work that reconnects humanity with nature, highlighting our interdependence, and on creative expression that addresses the global climate crisis.

He was the founding Artistic Director of Forum Theatre in Washington DC where he produced over 60 theatre, dance, and performance art productions and garnered 13 Helen Hayes Awards nominations, winning 4. Recently, he co-produced the Digital Eye festival, in collaboration with the Goethe Institut and various European Embassies in DC and was the Artistic Director of the city-wide Samuel Beckett Centenary Festival, working with the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs. He was a regular attendee of the TESZT Euroregional Theatre Festival in Timișoara, Romania, reporting for the Center for International Theatre Development, and has travelled all over the world, participating in festivals in South Korea, Sweden, Mexico, Germany, Hungary, Scotland, Italy, Israel, and France.

Michael is an avid backpacker and a proud member of the Artist Brigade, a Canadian creative collective focused on bringing arts and artists to the front lines of climate action.


Isanna Wong
Program Coordinator, Social Media Specialist
[email protected]

Isanna Wong is currently pursuing a major in the B.A. Cognitive Systems program at UBC. Her passion is to create verbal or visual ideas into reality to connect people for social change, whether it be through logos to represent a collective identity or a platform in which creative ideas and works are shared among artists.

In addition to managing VCBF’s social media and websites and helping with coordinating their wide variety of programs, she also has been involved in the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation’s Imagine a Canada, International Baccalaureate student council, is an executive in the UBC CVC club, and has taken on a stylist and managerial role in the retail industry.

Blossom Blog
Jessica Tremblay

Team Sakura
Douglas Justice
Wendy Cutler
David Tracey
Alex Downie
Lisa Lennie
Anne Eng
Egan Davis

Blossom Reporting
Wendy Cutler, Cherry Scout Co-ordinator
VCBF Cherry Scouts

Haiku Invitational Judges
Maxianne Berger, Dr. Randy Brooks, Jennifer Hambrick

Volunteer Coordinator
Anne Guthrie-Warman

Want to join our cherry team? Click for open positions here: Careers

Want to volunteer? Click for open positions here: Volunteer