The Indicator TreeMarch 21, 2022By: vcbfblog - In: Photos, Vancouver Cherry Blossom FestivalIn many cities where a cherry blossom festival takes place, one cherry tree was selected as the “index tree” (Tokyo) or ...Read More
Virtual visit of Akebono cherry trees at Burrard skytrain station (interactive map)March 25, 2020By: vcbfblog - In: Photos, Vancouver Cherry Blossom FestivalOur beautiful Akebono cherry trees are blooming at Burrard Skytrain station. Since the Vancouver City issued an order to respect ...Read More
Pandora cherry blossomsMarch 22, 2020By: vcbfblog - In: Photos, Vancouver Cherry Blossom FestivalThe six Pandora trees behind Brentwood mall (at Fairlawn and Brentlawn) are 100% in bloom One of the main characteristics of the ...Read More
Three ways to plan a cherry blossom walk: Do-it-yourself walks, Blooming Now, Neighbourhood MapsMarch 20, 2020By: vcbfblog - In: Cherry Scouts, Vancouver Cherry Blossom FestivalOur cherry scout leader Wendy Cutler wrote that because of precautions regarding COVID-19, “all Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival ...Read More
The Big PicnicApril 14, 2019By: vcbfblog - In: Photos, Vancouver Cherry Blossom FestivalThe atmosphere was very festive for The Big Picnic at the Queen Elizabeth Park. Hundreds of people gathered under cherry trees to ...Read More